英國舉辦「2024搞笑寵物攝影獎」(Comedy Pet Photo Awards 2024)趣味競賽,主辦單位近日公布30張入圍決賽的佳作,入圍作品連結 https://www.comedypetphoto.com/gallery/finalists/2024_finalists.php
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Sylvia Michel BRIENZ BE Switzerland Title: Everybody is Kung Fu Fighting Description: I made this picture in Toggenburg.I threw a few snowballs and my dog jumped after them with great enthusiasm. That’s how this picture came about Animal: Berger Blanc Swiss (@rastawhiteshepherd) Location of shot: Chäserugg
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Alina Vogel Gifhorn Germany Title: Sun lover Description: This is Freddie, he was my first Hamster and probably the most photogenic ever. Freddie died recently and that’s the last honor I want to pay my little friend Animal: Goldhamster Location of shot: His lovely Cage at home:)